Monday, August 31, 2009

Away From Her Movie Review

"Away From Her" is a touching Canadian film starring Gorden Pinsent, Olympia Dukakis and Julie Christie about the effects of Alzeihmers on an aging couple married for 44 years. Christie is terrific and gives a powerful portrayal of a woman who slowly succumbs to the effects of this dreaded disease.

Pinsent is also as effective as the helpless feeling husband who has the indistinct and difficult task of putting her into a home where he later learns that her condition is deteriating.

She begin's to not recognize him anymore and later on, it becomes more of just a friendship as opposed to being a married couple (torn by the dreaded desease).

Christie then takes up friendship with a man in the home who is also suffering from Alzeihmers and Pinsent must deal with these situations.

"Away From Her" is slow, but for a reason. A story like this (depressing and touching as it sounds) must be conveyed in a slow manner in order to get its message across effectively. Just as Alzeihmer's works slowly, so to does this move and it gets it's message across very effectively. Both, Pinsent and Christie were worthy of Oscar and Genie (Canadian version of the Oscar's) awards.

It's a compelling and touching tale (although a bit disturbing, but then again, so is Alzeihmers). If you're not into the "disease" type of movie, stay way, but if you want to learn something and enjoy touching movies like this one; then by all means watch this one; you won't be sorry and you'll be glad you did.

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