Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jonah Hex Review

Jonah Hex Review – No one is expecting Jonah Hex to be the best movie of the summer, or even the biggest blockbuster. There have been a number of reviews for the film that were mixed , but overall the response has been alright.

The main problem with it is that the movie of a whole only feels like a small portion of a film. While most have a decisive plot line, this movie relies much more on their great visuals, and the co-star, Megan Fox, to keep the audience interested in the 73 minutes that it spans.

The flick is almost too short, which is a complaint that you do not often hear from moviegoers. The movie simply does not have a long enough run time to keep the viewers interested, and barely feels like more than a television show than a movie.

The civil war is over, and America is nearing their 100th year as a nation. however, a number of soldiers from the war have plans to launch a terrorist attack against the nation in hopes that President Grant would have no choice but to track down Jonah Hex, in order to meet up with the terrorists. Hex works as a bounty hunter and is famed in the movie for his skills in his craft.

The piece just never takes off like you would hope that it would. It is more action movie than story plot, and is simply not long enough to make sense of the story that they have randomly thrown in front of viewers. Now, if you are looking for a movie that will allow you to take your mind off of things and enjoy some mindless action, than Jonah Hex is the summer flick for you. Just do not go to the theater expecting a great storyline or solid character development with only 73 minutes of running time.

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