Monday, January 17, 2011

Green Hornet: Movie Review

Those who expect the worst for The Green Hornet will be in for a treat. The superhero film, starring Seth Rogen and Taiwanese star Jay Chou, is filled with light-hearted fun and humor, while also balanced with action. As expected, the movie never takes itself too seriously.

The Green Hornet follows Rogen as Brett Reid transforming from the wealthy, slacker son of a Los Angeles newspaper mogul into a superhero. Chou plays Kato, a mechanic and martial artist, who guides him in his adventures.

Rogen, who co-produced and co-wrote the film, continues his slacker movie appearance in this film, and it works well. The Green Hornet isn't the typical superhero with a traumatic, dark past, but instead is a spoiled, playboy 28-year-old and Rogen is able to create this persona well.

On the other hand, Cameron Diaz isn't as effective in this film, but understandably so. She plays Britt's hired assistant, Lenore Case. Diaz doesn't actually do much in the film -- she mostly idles about and looks pretty -- but her lack of a role doesn't necessarily hinder the movie.

Overall, the film is thoroughly modern and current. The shooting style is loose and free, reflecting the movie itself. It's packed with action and comedy that enables the audience to never take it too seriously.

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