Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Zombieland Movie Review

It is a rather odd phenomenon that zombies are so popular right now. But with everything from movies to books, comics, games, figurines, candy, and even a zombie wine on the market, it’s no surprise that we should see a movie like Zombieland, essentially the most epic zombie comedy ever conceived by man.

Zombieland stars Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson as Columbus and Tallahassee, two survivors of the zombie apocalypse. Columbus has developed a set of rules like “always check.

The back seat” and “beware of bathrooms” that helps him survive, while Tallahassee stays alive on pure testosterone and a “gotta enjoy the little things” attitude.

Eventually they team up with Wichita and Little Rock, two con artist sisters on their way to Pacific Playland, an amusement park outside of LA.

The tremendous performances along with the crudely witty dialogue and overall revelry in the zombie tradition makes Zombieland hands-down one of the best movies of the year and quite possibly one of the best horror-comedies of all time.

This is a film that is accessible to any audience (though it’s rated R by the MPAA for a reason) and certainly won’t disappoint non-horror fans. Bill Murray has one of the all-time great cameos complete with Ghostbusters references and all appropriate reverence for the comedy great.

Really and truly there’s not enough to say about Zombieland without giving anything away that clearly expresses how excellent this film is. Suffice to say that no film since the original Dawn of the Dead has made the zombie apocalypse look so appealing, and you absolutely must see it for yourself.

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